1. Please, please, PLEASE remember that just because you aren't going to the pool or the beach doesn't mean you can skip the SPF. Being outside all day means you need sunscreen. A hat is always a chic way to protect yourself from UV rays as well.
2. If you're going to wear flip flops or sandals, for the love of Pete, polish your toenails! At the very least, take off the nasty chipped old polish you've got going on right now!
3. I don't know about where you live, but it's going to be HOT here! I plan on wearing my hair up with fun braids and/or clips and bobby pins. Don't just settle on a plain old ponytail. Take a few extra minutes and spice it up!
4. A shimmering lotion looks so pretty on legs and arms and shoulders. It gives you this beautiful glow and evens out skin tone.
This is a blog for those who have beauty questions. This is a blog for those who have beauty ideas. This is a blog for those who want to have beauty discussions. Oh, and this is a blog for YOU!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What a coincidence!

A reader asked me yesterday about self tanning products. Oddly enough, that was going to be the subject today what with Memorial Day weekend coming up!
Lord knows there are about a zillion options out there. The question is which is the best for you? The gold standard and the originators of the self tanner is Jergens Natural Glow. They were the geniuses who simply added a hint of self tanner to some moisturizer and ta-da! A gradual tan as opposed to KABLAM! ORANGE! With this stuff, you put it on as often and as heavily as you like. When you get to the tan-ness that you want, you can alternate days- one day, use a regular lotion, the next, the Jergens. It's the same with their face moisturizer. You build it to the level/shade that you want.
Now, if you are having an "Oh crap! I have a picnic/party/some sort of event that I don't want to be pasty for" moment, then you will need essentially an "insta-tanner." Now, keep in mind that this stuff probably will wash off the next time you shower. So, basically you have to put this stuff on and let it get good a dry and then go to your event. L'Oreal makes a gel called Bronze Self- Tanning Gelee. This stuff is POTENT! The only caveat is that you have to let it dry and that can take a little while. But let me tell you- you will look like you've been at the beach for a week with this stuff.
Now, should you want to break the bank a little, Lancome makes a Flash Bronzer Self Tanning Body Gel. This stuff is full of Vitamin E and the color develops in about 30 minutes and can last up to 5 days. Beauty editors and makeup artists SWEAR by this stuff. It's like magic in a tube.
The biggest tips I can offer are these for any self-tanning:
1. Make sure that you exfoliate any area that you are going to use self tanner on so that all the dry flaky areas are smoothed away. Otherwise, you are going to have patches of darker color.
2. If you are going to self tan your legs, be sure to also PUT IT ON YOUR FEET! How cute are brown legs and white feet? Yeah, that will give away your little self-tanning secret, won't it?
3. If you are using a self tanner on your face, make sure that the makeup that you use is the right shade. Why would you have a tanned face and really light concealer? Because let me tell you how attractive that would be!
I am definitely pro self tanning. It's the only healthy tan there is and the formulas have gotten so much better over the years. No Oompa Loompas anymore!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I tried the coolest stuff today!!!

Memorial Day is upon us and that means the start of summer. Now, I know you all are using your sunscreen religiously when you go outside, so faking a tan is your only option. I know I've told you guys before how much I love primer for the face. Well, I tried Laura Geller's Spackle Tinted Under Makeup Primer in Bronze. I was a little nervous about using this. God forbid I look like an Oompa Loompa!! Oy! But, it was very cool. When I smoothed this stuff on, it blended right in and made my skin look smooth and even toned and was just barely tinted in this REAL tan color. No orange at all! The best part is that you can wear this stuff by itself as a sheer cover or under your foundation just to give your skin tone a little more oomph.
Give it a shot if you are looking for something new for the summer! I think you'll like it!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Love, looooooove

Anyone else love finding something they'd forgetten about? That was me this morning. I was digging under my sink and pulled out one of my lip gloss bags. (Yes, yes- I have more than one) And I pulled out my Korres Lip Butter in Wild Rose. This stuff is heaven in a tiny pot. Now, I am not normally a fan of gloss-in-a-pot. But, I set aside my prejudice for this stuff. It is chock full of shea butter for moisturizing and rice wax for sealing in that hydration. I wore this stuff all day and was surprised to remember that it's pretty hardy stuff. It stayed on through my entire morning of drinking water, fading slightly to this cool kind of stain. Put it back on again after lunch and didn't have to re-apply until 6:00!
The best part is that it's so tiny, you can throw it in any sized bag and take it with you. Perfect for any Memorial Day gatherings you'll be visiting this weekend! You can order them directly from the Korres website (http://www.korres.com/), but for some odd reason, Sephora.com seems to have more color options.
Monday, May 24, 2010
I know, I know- it's kind of a splurge...

...BUT, I promise it's worth it.
In the spring/summer, my lip color of choice is usually some type of sheer berry shade. If it has a balm texture, then I am even more all about it. I don't know about y'all, but my lips can get chapped just as easily in the summer as they can in the winter. That sun is VICIOUS! Keep that in mind. So, today I wanted to introduce you to Bobbi Brown's Treatment Lip Shine. This stuff is the trifecta of goodness! Perfect level of color, not too sheer, not too dark. It is LOADED with moisturizers and vitamins to keep lips soft and healthy. And, it's SPF 15. I mean, does it get much better or easier? Um, no!
If you have a Bobbi Brown counter near you, go try on a few shades and see which one you like best. You can see all the colors on her website http://www.bobbibrowncosmetics.com/. These are unde the "what's new" tab. Colors I would recommend are "Berry", "Raspberry Pink", "Papaya", and "Sunset Bronze". There is also a clear version for those of you who don't want any color.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Get your block on!

May is officially skin cancer awareness month. Don't know if y'all knew that! The great thing is that right now, there are all sorts of skin care sample bags and free goodies when you want to get some new products this year. Here are some of the coolest that I've seen:
1. Sephora has a Sun Safety Kit for $25 that has 13 sun protectant products in it. (The picture is at the top of this blog.) Everything from sunscreens to lip balms to eye creams to really cool bands to wear in the sun that tell you when to re-apply your sunscreen! And all the money from these sets is going to the Skin Cancer Foundation! Love that!!!
2. Korres is offering a "Summer in Greece" kit for $20 on sephora.com that includes an all natural sunscreen along with a watermelon body scrub and an yogurt cooling gel. I love Korres's stuff because it's all natural and smells AMAZING.
3. Want to splurge a little? Shiseido's "Fun in the Sun" Kit is $69 and includes some SERIOUS sun protection for those who need a little more help. Sun protection cream for face and eyes, blotting papers, UV cards to remind you when to re-apply. It's tres chic, no?
4. If you purchase any 2 of Clinique's sun protection or self-tanning products on their website, enter the code "TOWEL" at checkout and you'll get this super cute beach towel with a bright citrus-y pattern on it. I do love a free gift!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Another tool for the girls with curls

I know all my curly haired friends start getting stressed this time of year because the humidity is on the rise. Thus making their hair gigantic and poofy and frizzy. You guys walk out the door and look fabulous and then right around lunchtime, KA-BLAM! Fortunately for you, Ouidad has a product that can be used anytime, but was made to help the mid-day hair explosion. You need to try their Botanical Boost Spray. This stuff is loaded with vitamins and moisturizers that can help tame the frizz and smooth out your curls. I'd recommend buying 2 bottles. One to keep at home and one to throw in your bag or keep in your desk at work.
You can go directly to the Ouidad website and order it, or you can order it on Sephora.com and get the free samples that come with every order!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Another sample sale site you need to join!!

Ok, go to http://www.enviius.com/ and join today. Why? Because they are having an insane Pop Beauty sale right now. Now, I know y'all remember me talking about this uber-cool British makeup line. I LOVE it. The colors are great and the sets that are currently on sale at Enviius are PERFECT for traveling this summer because they include a lot of colors in one place. Hello! It will take up so much less space!
I personally recommend the Glow Belle and the Bronze Belle (yes, I own both). Little Brown Dress would also make a nice addition to any makeup collection.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Just a smidgen of common sense on this Friday
Ok, I know there are a bunch of us who are currently looking for ways to save money. And I applaud that. I was talking to someone not long ago who was looking to make a pretty big hair change- serious highlights. What I recommended to her was that she go see a professional for the first go-round and then ask them what at-home product she could use in between coming back to see them. The same could be done when changing up your hair color drastically. Go see a pro, and then get their honest opinion about how to re-create what they did at home. Most stylists are very honest and glad to help. Besides, if they help you, you ar emore likely to go back to them every 3 months or so for your touch ups/trims/whatever.
A pro is also more likely to be able to steer you in the right direction in terms of what colors will go best with your skin and eye colors. Just because you want to be a platinum blond doesn't mean it's going to look good on you! This can head off that 30 minutes you'd spend in the hair color aisle at Target holding boxes up to your head and going "Is that my original hair color? No wait, is that??"
PS- Don't forget- if you are making a drastic color change either lighter or darker, DO NOT forget about your eyebrows. They need to at least be in the same color family. Otherwise, you just look weird. And not in a fun, good way.
A pro is also more likely to be able to steer you in the right direction in terms of what colors will go best with your skin and eye colors. Just because you want to be a platinum blond doesn't mean it's going to look good on you! This can head off that 30 minutes you'd spend in the hair color aisle at Target holding boxes up to your head and going "Is that my original hair color? No wait, is that??"
PS- Don't forget- if you are making a drastic color change either lighter or darker, DO NOT forget about your eyebrows. They need to at least be in the same color family. Otherwise, you just look weird. And not in a fun, good way.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I am such a nerd

I love a gimmick. A tie in. Marketing companies exist because of people like me. Hence my adoration of the new OPI "Shrek" line. Now, y'all know I do not shy away from a crazy nail polish color. So, these 6 shades are pretty much perfect for me. And- they would all be be SUPER cute for a summertime pedi! Just imagine how adorable your tootsies would be with a snappy pair of flip flops and bright polish like these! And remember- it's just color. Repeat after me. "There's nothing to be scared of. It's just COLOR!"
PS- Apparently, the new it color for summer is a pale blue. See anything like that above??
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Is it possible?

Have I found a potential replacement for my beloved Max Factor 2000 Calorie Waterproof Mascara?? I have been trying other waterproof mascaras and they have ALL come up short. Sadly, sadly short. They flaked. They clumped. I looked like a raccoon by the end of the day.
But then, I discovered Neutrogena's Healthy Volume Waterproof Mascara. This stuff uses olive extract (not a chemical) to create volume- how cool is that? The best part? It's tres affordable and available anywhere! I got mine at Target and I think I might be in luuurrvvvve...
So, if you are looking for a new mascara for the dog days of spring and summer when most mascaras are just going to pool under your eyes, give this stuff a try. I think you'll like it.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I've got freebies for my readers!!!

Who wants some free samples? Dove has launched their new and improved line of conditioners called Dove Daily Treatment Conditioners. They are specially made to help fortify and repair your hair from the inside out. It is for all hair types and I can't think of a better time to get something a little more intense for all that time you're about to start being out in the sun and swimming in the pool. I have 5 samples and coupons up for grabs! Who wants them? The first 5 who claim them get them! Leave your name in the comments!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Oily skin can get wrinkles, too!

Back to the series! So, I know that there's this recurring myth out there that people with oily skin can stave off wrinkles longer. To a degree, this is true. The drier a person's skin is, the more obvious wrinkles will appear. But, companies have realized that there are those of us out there who want to try to fight them off as long as we can!
The tricky thing is that so many anti-aging products are highly moisturizing. Yeah, oily skin doesn't need all that. So, the quest for an oil-free product begins! One of the best recommended is made by SkinCeuticals. It's their Retinol 1.0 Maximum Strength Refining Night Cream. Do not panic at the word "cream", by the way! This stuff is specifically made combat both signs of aging and blemishes. It is a perfect weapon in the war against wrinkles and zits! I found this product on http://www.dermstore.com/. It's a little pricey, but keep in mind that a little goes a LONG way. So, it's not like you're going to run out of this stuff in a month.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog...
Ok, I know we were talking about retinoids, but if you order anything on Sephora and enter the code "FLORALBAG" before May 9 and you will receive a free cosmetic bag and 12 (yes, you read that right) 12 Clinique mini lip glosses. There's no minimum purchase. No kidding.
Oh, and it's also bonus time at clinique.com. The best part? You get to choose what goes in your bonus! You pick everything from the bag to all the products! I love everything about that.
It's a great time to go to either site and stock up!!
Oh, and it's also bonus time at clinique.com. The best part? You get to choose what goes in your bonus! You pick everything from the bag to all the products! I love everything about that.
It's a great time to go to either site and stock up!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
You're so sensitive!

Some people really, really want to use a retinol but are scared to because they have sensitive skin and usually want to avoid things like burning, redness, irritation, etc. Nothing says pretty like a tomato red face!
I digress- the good news is that there are anti-aging products out there for those of you who need a little more TLC. The best review I have found is for Neutrogena's Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream. It contains a lesser concentration of the retinoid agent, thus creating less irritation. It also uses anti-oxidants to help refresh the skin and leave it soothed while fighting wrinkles.
This stuff comes in a day version that contains an SPF and a night version without. Give it a try, my sensitive ladies. See how it works for you!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Part one of a new series...

Several of you wanted me to get into anti-aging products. Retinols and such. So, each day, I am going to cover different skin types and the anti-aging products they should use. I'm going to start with normal skin today.
Oh, and really quickly- if you aren't familiar with retinols (or retinoids) they are a vitamin A derivative. This helps erase wrinkles and creates more collagen. More collagen= a more youthful appearance.
Ok, let's be clear. If you are serious about a retinoid, you need to get a prescription from a dermatologist. Because that stuff is THE REAL DEAL. Retin A being the mother of all. If, however, you are wanting something that you're not going to have to pay a co-pay and then possibly an arm and a leg for at the pharmacy, I am going to recommend some of the over the counter products I think you would like.
If your skin is pretty normal, not too oily or dry, Olay's "Regenerist" line has gotten nothing but positive reviews since it came out. And it should! They've been in the skin care business since our grandmothers were buying cold cream at the dime store! The great thing is that it is an entire line- not just one cream. They have cleansers and eye treatments and moisturizers and serums! They are all made to work together. Visit http://www.olay.com/ and wander over to the Regenerist page. It has all the products, user reviews, and you can even chat live with a skin care expert on what products you should use! Did I mention you can also print out a coupon for your first purchase?
Monday, May 3, 2010
Dates are important!!!

You know that bottle or can of sunscreen in your bathroom? When did you buy it? Was it leftover from last year? Throw it out. Sunscreen has an expiration date, believe it or not. Throw in the fact that sunscreen tends to be out in the sun for long periods of time, etc. So, that protectant factor went way down. If you want to make sure that your skin stays protected, get to Wal-Mart or Target and go ahead and get a new bottle. The good news is that if you go to the website of your favorite sunscreen, they'll probably have a coupon you can print out so you can save a little cash while protecting yourself!
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