Ok, I know there are a bunch of us who are currently looking for ways to save money. And I applaud that. I was talking to someone not long ago who was looking to make a pretty big hair change- serious highlights. What I recommended to her was that she go see a professional for the first go-round and then ask them what at-home product she could use in between coming back to see them. The same could be done when changing up your hair color drastically. Go see a pro, and then get their honest opinion about how to re-create what they did at home. Most stylists are very honest and glad to help. Besides, if they help you, you ar emore likely to go back to them every 3 months or so for your touch ups/trims/whatever.
A pro is also more likely to be able to steer you in the right direction in terms of what colors will go best with your skin and eye colors. Just because you want to be a platinum blond doesn't mean it's going to look good on you! This can head off that 30 minutes you'd spend in the hair color aisle at Target holding boxes up to your head and going "Is that my original hair color? No wait, is that??"
PS- Don't forget- if you are making a drastic color change either lighter or darker, DO NOT forget about your eyebrows. They need to at least be in the same color family. Otherwise, you just look weird. And not in a fun, good way.
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