Several of you wanted me to get into anti-aging products. Retinols and such. So, each day, I am going to cover different skin types and the anti-aging products they should use. I'm going to start with normal skin today.
Oh, and really quickly- if you aren't familiar with retinols (or retinoids) they are a vitamin A derivative. This helps erase wrinkles and creates more collagen. More collagen= a more youthful appearance.
Ok, let's be clear. If you are serious about a retinoid, you need to get a prescription from a dermatologist. Because that stuff is THE REAL DEAL. Retin A being the mother of all. If, however, you are wanting something that you're not going to have to pay a co-pay and then possibly an arm and a leg for at the pharmacy, I am going to recommend some of the over the counter products I think you would like.
If your skin is pretty normal, not too oily or dry, Olay's "Regenerist" line has gotten nothing but positive reviews since it came out. And it should! They've been in the skin care business since our grandmothers were buying cold cream at the dime store! The great thing is that it is an entire line- not just one cream. They have cleansers and eye treatments and moisturizers and serums! They are all made to work together. Visit http://www.olay.com/ and wander over to the Regenerist page. It has all the products, user reviews, and you can even chat live with a skin care expert on what products you should use! Did I mention you can also print out a coupon for your first purchase?
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