When I was a kid and we'd play pretend, there were many occasions where I didn't want to be the princess. I didn't want to be the "star". I can't tell you how many times I said "I don't want to be Annie. I want to be Miss Hannigan. She's the funny one!" And think about it- before more recent Disney movies, the evil queens and fairies were pretty darn fabulous. High cheekbones. Red lips. Green eyeshadow. Mmmmm...now you're speaking my language!
Thank goodness the makeup geniuses at M.A.C. feel the same way I do! They are now offering a "Venomous Villians" line based on 4 fabulous baddies! (http://www.maccosmetics.com/whats_new/3883/index.tmpl)
I LOVE this!!! Maleficent's eye shadows are SICK and don't even get me started on the lip glasses!!
Take a minute to peruse all the choices. I think you may find something that inspires the bad girl in you...
Those are awesome! And I agree with you--it's fun to be the villain!