Let's start with an obvious question- do you use multiple hair products? (I do. Big shock, I know.) Well, if you do, are you layering them or mixing them? I prefer to mix mine. For straight haired ladies, I love mixing a shine serum and a gel for absolutely sleek, glossy locks. Just be sure to rub them together really well in your hands and then really distribute the product throughout the hair.
For my curly haired ladies, Paul Mitchell is now making a cream gel called Fast Form: http://www.paulmitchell.com/WhatsNew/Pages/NEWFastFormandHotOffThePress.aspx
Instead of a hard look, it's supposed to be softer. Mix some of that with your anti-frizz serum, and you'll have the curls of a Renaissance beauty!
So, give it a try. Mix your products. See if you don't like the results more!
Thanks for the new hair product ideas! I am always looking for products that will work on my somewhat curly hair!!!