If I had to describe the whole look for the fall, it would be "deliberate". Nothing is just flung on or slapped on. It's a ladylike, defined look. Now, a great place to start with that would be your eyebrows. Think about it- when you see woman with well shaped and defined eyebrows, it just makes her whole face look amazing. Brows that are too thin just don't cut it anymore. Likewise, you can have a "strong brow", but you don't want to look like Bert from Sesame Street.
This is why I am highly recommending these: http://maybelline.com/Product/Eye/EyeLiner/expert-eyes-twin-brow-and-eye-pencil.htm
Maybelline's eyebrow pencils are a staple. They've been making them forever!! They are the perfect texture. Now, I do not recommend the trick that some women do where they tweeze out all their eyebrows and then draw them on with a pencil. No. That's not what eyebrow pencils are for. Instead, you can use them to fill in bare spots, even out color, lengthen the brow slightly, or create a slight shape.
I like to draw the pencil in lightly and then use my eyebrow brush to shape my brows in an arch. I find that this keeps the pencil on all day.
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