...to bring you an important news bulletin!
I know we've been talking about natural beauty this week. But, I got an e-mail with a deal in it that was too good not to share!
One of my favorite cosmetics companies is Stila. Fantastic stuff, if a tad pricey. Weeeelllll...they are currently running a special where you get 6, count them SIX deluxe sample sizes of their most popular complexion products. (See the photo at the top of the page). Now, when I say deluxe sample, these aren't some puny one time use things. Oh no. You're looking at lots and lots of time to use these products and see if you take a shine to any of them. Here's the best part: it's only $18 for all 6. Oh, and did I mention that if you use the coupon code "freelip" when you checkout, you get a free lipstick?
So, that's 6 different, wonderful face products plus a free lipstick for $18??? How do I get this amazing deal, I'm sure you're asking. Here's the link to the website: http://www.stilacosmetics.com/category.asp?category_id=1
The top 3 items on the "what's new" page are your color options for the packages. Being as Casper-y as I am, I went with the light color option.
Oh, and yes- I've used several of these products before and I loved all of them. I am really looking forward to trying some new ones!!!
Happy shopping!
oh Stila, how do I love thee? Let me count the 1000 ways! This reminds me that I need more eye concealer. Good call on this brand, D!!