Got some great coupon codes and sales for you for the holiday weekend!
First, use the code "FIREWORKS" on http://www.tartecosmetics.com/ for 30% off your entire order until July 5! I would recommend one of their cheek stains (lovely push pop shaped gel colors that won't run off your face in the heat) or their EyeQuatic Waterproof Essentials Set (shown above) for eye makeup that is truly going to go the distance!!
Benefit Cosmetics is having their "Sale-A-Bration" going on over the holiday weekend as well. Go to http://www.benefitcosmetics.com/ and check out their options. I like the "Bright Lights, Big City" kit. So fun!
I know I tend to harp on this a lot; but please, please, PLEASE remember your sunscreen this weekend while you're out playing in the sun. The Neutrogena ones are the absolute best. I am walking proof that they do!!
I've got a challenge for you, if you feel like it. Since everything is so expensive in Australia, I want to stock up on my makeup for a year before I leave. I don't want to spend more than $100. How would you spend that if you were me? Let's presume I'm starting at nothing because I practically am. Go. (... if you want to :-) ). --Cristin