You know what's cute? Those apres-ski chic girls that you see in pictures in Vogue and stuff. You know what part of their charm is? The glowing skin and pink cheeks. Want to know how you can get that without the extremely expensive vacation?
First, make sure you're exfoliating regularly to get rid of that dull skin. Then, either mix your foundation with a highlighter and smooth all over or use a more wintertime appropriate bronzer. I like Too Faced's Snow Bunny: http://www.toofaced.com/product_template.asp?dept_sub_id=21&dept_id=9&cat_id=43
It gives you a cool hint of color without being too orange.
Second, those beautiful pink cheeks. You've got to have those. Feel free to look for a shade that's brighter than you normally wear. Nothing peachy! Look for a rose color. Remember the tip that I gave you a while ago about the perfect blush color being the pad of your index finger? Yeah, go about a shade or 2 brighter than that. You want to use a big, soft brush and really get the entire apple of your cheek. A pretty, natural shiny lip will complete your look. Make everyone think you're one of those outdoorsy types.
Remember- get some friends to follow this blog and you could win a lovely beauty bag from Too Beautylicious! See the entry for November 13 for all the details!
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