So, you've hit 3:00 in the afternoon. You run to the bathroom and WHOA! What is all that crazy shininess??? You can see things reflecting in your forehead!!! Your first instinct is to GRAB your powder and slap a bunch on. NOOOOO! You don't need to! What you need are blotting papers. These magical little creations manage to absorb excess oil without touching your makeup one iota! Removing pore clogging oil while leaving all your hard work on your face? Sounds good to me!
Too Beautylicious recommends:
And your Breast Cancer Research Item of the day is something you might buy all the time anyway: http://www.chapstick.com/productdetail.aspx?BrandProductName=Pink Pack. Chapstick has a great 3 pack of balms that can be found at just about any drug store, grocery store, etc. Grab some now!
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