I don't know if you guys know this, but Victoria's Secert recently revamped their cosmetics line. They felt that their first outing just wasn't good enough. So, they cleaned off their shelves, went back to the drawing board, and just released their newest versions of their products. I gotta say, from what I've seen, I am really impressed. Plus, at my VS, they have a coupon sitting with the makeup for $10 off a purchase of $30. Um, yes please!!
Anywho, I have tried their new Sheer Gloss Stick and I LOVE IT: http://www2.victoriassecret.com/commerce/onlineProductDisplay.vs?namespace=productDisplay&origin=onlineProductDisplay.jsp&event=display&prnbr=EC-232462&page=1&cgname=OSBAFVSMZZZ&rfnbr=2674&atp=a
It goes on like a balm and feels so nice and moist. And it really is a sheer color. The coolest part was that when it was wearing off, it kind of turned into this nice stain.
It comes in a great range of colors for any skin shade. My recommendations? "Only You" and "Grace". They are great colors for the fall.
Okay I am going to the mall today so I will check it out. Thanks for the tip. And I have to say after our makeup session the other night, Clinique counter and sephora.com, WATCH OUT!!