Most women fall into 2 categories: puffs or circles. What am I talking about? What's going on under your eyes ladies??
So, the question is- which are you? I personally have the circles. But, the good news is that I have solutions for both!
1. Circles- You know who you are. You look like a raccoon first thing in the morning. Or, like someone punched you in the eye and you haven't been in a fight since 3rd grade. What to do? Well, first things first- how hydrated are you? Did you know that if you don't drink enough fluids, that can actually make the circles under your eyes worse? So, start there. Anything caffeine free that you put in your body counts. Secondly, what are you using under your eyes at night? Look for eye creams and gels that specifically address dark circles. And USE THEM EVERY NIGHT. Do not buy the stuff and leave it in your medicine cabinet. Here are some great options:^PRD_SKINCARE^SKIN_RENEW^SKIN_RENEW_DISCOVER^SKIN_RENEW_RTN3&prdcode=P19108
2. Puffs- You're schlepping around more bags than Rachel Zoe at a vintage store. People ask you if you're having some sort of allergic reaction to something. Yep, you're cursed with the undereye puffs. Here are your solutions. First, watch your salt/sodium intake. Nothing makes you retain water and puff like salt in any form. So, the next time you go to grab for that salt shaker, think again. Also, if you can sleep on 2 pillows to elevate your head, this can also help. That way, the fluid won't just pool under your eyes while you lay on your back! You also need eye cream. (Well, technically, everyone does.) Here are your options:
Keep in mind, please, that with both issues, you need concealer. Oh yeah, anyone who knows me knows that I will beat this drum forever. EVERY WOMAN NEEDS CONCEALER. So, make sure that the one that you purchase is MADE FOR YOUR ISSUE. Need some concealer suggestions? Have any questions? E-mail me at
okay I am about to run out of my dark circle night eye cream so I think I might pick up the Neutrogena or Garnier one on my lunch break. And I am with you sister----every woman needs concealer!