There are only about a zillion types of body soap out there. Just go to any aisle of your local drug or grocery store and you can see that. But, let's break down what you're really getting with your options, shall we?
Now, the most frequently used type of body soap by females these days is liquid in the bottle. Ahh, nothing like squirting that stuff onto your lovely little pouf and lathering up. If you're using the Dove's and the Oil of Olay's versions, you are paying WAY too much. Have you ever tried Caress? It's usually a few dollars cheaper and produces the same results. They have one that is called "Glowing Touch" (http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=143939&catid=20&brand=7826&trx=PLST-0-BRAND&trxp1=20&trxp2=143939&trxp3=1&trxp4=0&btrx=BUY-PLST-0-BRAND)
and I don't know how they do it, but there are these micro shimmer things in it that stay on your skin after the shower. It's unreal! They also have one that has exfoliating beads in it that make your skin feel really great. (http://www.drugstore.com/products/prod.asp?pid=156255&catid=20&brand=7826&trx=PLST-0-BRAND&trxp1=20&trxp2=156255&trxp3=1&trxp4=0&btrx=BUY-PLST-0-BRAND)
Did I mention it also smells like the most amazing tropical cocktail ever? It's like being at the beach in your shower.
Now, for those who are using/considering bar soap, technically, this is the most earth friendly since there's nothing left over when it's gone. So, factor that into your thinking. Bar soap also tends to be cheaper. If you tend to have oily skin, the classic Ivory soap bar is for you. It's clean, it leaves nothing behind, and is perfect if you don't need any extra moisture. If you have drier skin, the classic Dove bar that our grandmothers used is perfect for you. It is highly moisturizing and everyone loves that scent. How could you not?
The beauty about both soaps, though, is that you can also go to your local health food stores and find some wonderful alternatives. If you want the gold standard in both, you can't go wrong with Burt's Bees: http://www.burtsbees.com/natural-products/body-washes-soaps/. They truly cover all skin types. Also, Alba is my other favorite all natural line: http://www.albabotanica.com/?id=64
If you are a die hard natural bar soap fan (which I am quickly becoming, by the way) this line is pretty much the end all, be all: http://www.indigowild.com/shopping/natural-zum-bar-goats-milk-soap.cfm. It only comes in about a zillion scents and they work amazingly well and last a long time. Of course, you can always go to your local farmer's market and see what local artisans are crafting as well. I am currently hooked on a lemon eucalyptus blend and I just got an extra minty bar to try today.
Don't forget to find followers for the blog for the big fall beauty giveaway! Deadline is next Friday!
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